Thursday, December 26, 2024

I.A. Richards Figurative Language (Practical Criticism)

This blog is written as a task assigned by the head of the Department of English (MKBU), Prof. and Dr. Dilip Barad Sir. Here is the link to the professor's research article for background reading: Click here.

Kashi ma aa haath chhe ke bhadbhadati mashal - Magahar

          By Harish Meenashru. It is taken from his poetry collection Banaras Diary.

Original Poem: 

કાશીમાં આ હાથ છે કે ભડભડતી મશાલ
એ ઝટ સમજાતું નથી :
હું ગલ્લાંતલ્લાં કરું છું

આ તરફ ગડે મુરદોં કા યે કબરિસ્તાન
 ઓ તરફ જલે મુરદોં કા યે સમસાન 
બીચમેં જિન્દા મુરીદોંકા યે કબીરીસ્તાન
સૂફી કે સાહુ
ગૂગલ કે યાહુ
દાટું કે દાહું

નો ઈફ નો બટ
વાત કર સીધી ને સટ
જાહ્નવીને ‘જો-તો' પસંદ નથી

હું હિંમત એકઠી કરું છું કશુંક બોલવા માટે

મારી જીભનો કબ્જો લઈ લે છે કબીર ને હું બોલી ઊઠું છું : 
જ્યાં તદાકાર સાતે સ્વર
અગર મગર નહીં

This Gujarati poem uses powerful imagery and metaphors to explore themes like spirituality, life, death, and the contrasts between traditional and modern ways of thinking. Here's a breakdown:

"કાશીમાં આ હાથ છે કે ભડભડતી મશાલ"
The poet compares their hand to a blazing torch in Kashi (a symbol of spirituality and enlightenment), suggesting strength, guidance, or a transformative force.

"મુરદોં કા કબરિસ્તાન" અને "મુરદોં કા સમાજ"
These lines contrast graveyards (symbolizing death) with cremation grounds, pointing to different cultural or spiritual approaches to life's end. The mention of "કબીરીસ્તાન" suggests a space where living souls are metaphorically buried, representing emptiness or detachment.

"સૂફી કે સાહુ, ગૂગલ કે યાહુ"
This juxtaposes spiritual seekers (Sufi) and materialistic people (Sahu) with modern technology (Google and Yahoo), highlighting the conflict between ancient wisdom and contemporary life.

"જાહ્નવીને 'જો-તો' પસંદ નથી"
Refers to the sacred river Ganga (Jahnavi) as disliking indecisiveness or ambiguity ("જો-તો"), symbolizing the need for clarity and resolve in life.

"જ્યાં તદાકાર સાતે સ્વર"
Describes a state of unity and harmony, transcending doubts or conditions, representing ultimate spiritual realization.

Overall, the poem reflects on navigating the tensions between life and death, spirituality and materialism, and tradition versus modernity, ultimately advocating for a clear and resolute path to enlightenment.

Four types of misunderstanding:

1. Careless, Intuitive Reading
(Rhyme or Irregular Syntax)

If a reader interprets the poem casually without paying attention to its deeper meaning, they might misinterpret lines like "કાશીમાં આ હાથ છે કે ભડભડતી મશાલ" as merely a dramatic statement. They could overlook the symbolic depth, where the "blazing torch" represents enlightenment, courage, or spiritual awakening.
The irregular syntax and metaphorical expressions demand careful attention to understand the layered meanings. A careless reading might miss the poet’s spiritual and existential commentary.

2. Over-Literal Reading – Prosaic Reading

Reading lines like "મુરદોં કા કબરિસ્તાન" literally might lead one to think the poem is only about physical death or funerary practices.
In reality, the line metaphorically explores deeper ideas about spiritual emptiness and detachment from life. Over-literal interpretation reduces the poetic impact and misses its philosophical essence.

3. Defective Scholarship; Inappropriate Metaphor

Misunderstanding metaphors like "મુરીદોંકા યે કબીરીસ્તાન" as a literal place for disciples might lead to a superficial interpretation.
The metaphor here suggests the stagnation of the human spirit despite being alive, which requires a nuanced understanding. Without context about Sufi traditions or Kabir's philosophy, the metaphor could seem misplaced or unclear.

4. Difference in Meaning of Words in Poetry and Prose

Words like "મશાલ" (torch) and "મુરીદોં" (disciples) carry metaphorical weight in the poem.
In prose, "torch" might simply mean a source of light, but here it symbolizes spiritual guidance or awakening. Similarly, "disciples" metaphorically represent seekers of truth who may have lost their vitality or purpose. Failing to grasp these poetic nuances could lead to misinterpretation.

Analysis of the Poem Through I.A. Richards' Lens

By addressing these misunderstandings, we realize that the poem is a meditation on spirituality, the conflict between materialism and enlightenment, and the quest for purpose. Misreading it through carelessness, excessive literalism, lack of contextual knowledge, or ignoring poetic language can obscure its profound message. Recognizing the symbolic layers and metaphoric richness is key to fully appreciating its depth.

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This blog task is assigned by Megha Trivedi Ma'am (Department of English, MKBU).  Here is the link to the  blog for background reading: ...