Thursday, August 17, 2023

Lord of the Flies Movie review

Lord of the Flies Movie Review: 

Lord of the Flies is a 1963 British drama film based on William Golding's 1954 novel of the same name about 30 schoolboys who are marooned on an island where the behavior of the majority degenerates into savagery. It was written and directed by Peter Brook and produced by Lewis M. Allen. The film was in production for much of 1961, though the film did not premiere until 1963, and was not released in the United Kingdom until 1964.

At the beginning of the movie, it is shown that Piggy's outer look is commented on by his classmates and that he is ostracized. Through this scene, the writer shows the current situation of body shaming.

As the movie progresses, Jack and Ralph's group gets separated. Jack's group goes hunting and Ralph's group tries to find a way to get back from the island. Ralf's main purpose is survival. This scene suggests that people who work hard keep working hard, while others get money even without working hard.

In Ralf's group, there is one guy whose name is Simon. He is an intellectual and visionary guy. In the movie, he is shown thinking about something.

As the movie progresses, a scene is shown in which Jack tells the group members that pork will be given to those who join the group. This scene represents the current electoral system or rather the mindset of the present human being. He goes to the side which sees his profit whether it is right or wrong.

Rumors are spread by the group that the Beast is, when Simon comes to tell the truth to those present, he is killed by Jack's tribe.  And it is called mob lynching.

There is a scene in the movie where some students are beating other students with sticks and others are laughing at it which is called sadism.

In another scene, Piggy's glasses are forcibly taken from him to light a fire and then thrown away. The scene represents that people will call you as long as they need you and then you will be kicked out of their group.

At the end of the movie, Jack's group sets the entire forest on fire. The fire causes suffocation and they come closer to the sea. When they see the naval officer at first everyone thinks that this is their illusion. They touch a naval officer to turn their illusion into reality. And in the eyes of all, remorse is often seen.

   "Maybe there is a beast....   Maybe it's only us. " 

Here I past a blog link that is based on our unit: 1 Lord of the Flies :

Monday, August 14, 2023

Orientation Trip

         Orientation Trip.       

On August 12, 2023, Saturday. One day orientation trip was organized by M.R.R.Monapara Arts College at Zazmer Beach, Mastaramdhara, and Gopnath Beach. The main purpose of this trip was to see the behavior of students. Orientation Trip allows students to connect with other students and faculty members, learn about available resources on campus, and receive support as they begin their college journey.

We started our excursion around 8.30 am from our college. Everyone started singing a song and dancing but I didn't because I want to observe nature. Our bus was going towards the destination at a not-too-fast and not-too-slow speed on NH51, and I was enjoying the zephyr. The atmosphere was very calm and peaceful. After many years, I saw all the things which I and my family members do on our farm, like weeding, Spraying the pesticides  in the crop with a pump, and plowing the farm with a bullock. And I also like to drive Hackery, and that day I am so happy to see hackery after a long time. I had forgotten the village name when I saw the dry date tree. Mostly, it occurs in and around Kutch. A wonderful view of Shetruji river was seen, which gave another pleasure to the eyes while moving forward. Taladhwajagiri (Talajani Gufa) was also a sight to behold. Due to the monsoon season, the whole hill looked green and lush.   I noticed that today's farmers conserve water by using modern methods like sprinklers and drip irrigation for crops, while urban people waste water unnecessarily.

That day, I felt that monsoon is the best time for an excursion because, as long as you look, you only saw green. Moving further, after Fulsar and before Uchadi, I saw windmills. It was my second experience to observe a windmill up close. Finally, around 10.15 we reached Mastaramdhara, Zanzmer. There we had breakfast and then we went to Zanzmer Beach. We took photos. We came back for lunch. After lunch, we played Garaba. Here, we broke the rules that were given by our sir. Then we went to Gopnath Beach. There, we captured personal and group photos. The beach was very attractive.   There, I and my pal Ayusha had a lot of fun. 

When we coming back, I observed that in Uchadi there is one Mahadev temple, and behind it, there is a beautiful lake. In the middle of the lake, there are so many trees, that it looks like Andaman Island. And finally, when we came back I joined my friend's group for dance and had fun. It was not a memorable trip but it was a knowledgeable trip. Thank you so much, Dr. Ashish Sir Chauhan and Vipul Sir for your support. And special thanks to my dearest and most lovely friend Ayusha for being with me through the whole trip. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

9th International yoga day

 9th International 

        Yoga Day:

         "योगस्थः कुरु कर्मणि संगं त्यक्त्वा धनञ्जय। 

        सिद्ध्यसिद्ध्योः सोमो भूत्वा समत्वं योग उच्यते।"

June 21 i.e. today is known as International Yoga Day.India is the country that gave the gift of yoga to the world.

                       Hon'ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendrabhai Modi first discussed about Yoga in the United Nations Assembly. 21st June is the most auspicious day in the Northern Hemisphere and that is why Prime Minister Modi suggested 21st June to be observed as World Yoga Day. Subsequently, a resolution was passed by the United Nations in which most of the countries of the world agreed and decided to observe 21st June as World Yoga Day from the year 2015.

                        Today, International Yoga Day was celebrated in SEPI. In which the yoga teacher of the university and Galani sir attended as guests and the yoga postures were guided by Bonnie madam and Bhavika madam.

                         The program started with a verbal welcome and information about the special day, followed by a warm-up and ended the program by doing simple and easy asanas and knowing the limbs of yoga.

                          Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi are the eight limbs of yoga.

        Thank you. 

Friday, April 14, 2023



On  April 8, 2023, a presentation session was organized by the Department of English at R. R. Monapara Arts College for the students of T.Y. B.A. I attended as an audience on that day.

The session was very beneficial for me. This session provided information on how to choose fonts in PPT, what color to choose for slides, and how to edit pictures and GIFs in slides.During the vacation of class 10, I learned to make slides but never knew it was called a presentation. Now I got information on how to make ppt and how to give presentation with the help of vipul sir and vaidehi mam.

On  April 13,2023, a presentation was organized by the Department of English for the students of S.Y.B.A. at R.R. Monapara Arts College.
I attended there as a presenter. I got a lot of knowledge that day. I gave presentations on two topics: The Transition Age and Animal Farm as Satire. It was my first experience of giving a presentation. I also learned how to mail .At the end of the session, Vipul Sir and Vaidehi Ma'am gave information about what features and how to make an ideal PPT and what can be added in the presentation.
Many thanks to Vaidehi Ma'am and Vipul Sir and also to Dhatri Didi. Whenever I send a message, she replies. She also helped me in making PPT. Thank you very much again. Thank you very much  our principal sir Dr. Ashish sir. It would not be wrong to say that he is the backbone of our college because even though he doesn't have time for every program, he always attends to motivate us.

         Thank you. 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

International Women's Day Celebration

                                      We are all know that 8 March is "INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY." On this day the whole world celebrates this day.Whay we celebrates international women's day on 8th march? The seed of the day was planted in 1908 when 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter working hours, higher pay and the right to vote. On that day, the Socialist Party of America announced the first National Women's Day a year later.The idea to internationalize the day came from a woman named Clara Zatkin.Clara did not set a date for International Women's Day. The day was not formally observed until 1917, when war time  Russian women's strikes demanded 'food and peace'.A four-day women's strike in Russia led to the abdication of the Czar and an interim government to grant women the right to vote.Julian calendar was used in Russia at that time. February 23 was a Sunday in the Julian calendar when the women's strike began. It was March 8 in the Gregorian calendar. So it is celebrated on 8 March.

                       Similarly, International Women's Day celebration was organized at R.R. Monpara Arts College on 15 March, 2023 due to Dhuleti holiday and another problem.Three women dignitaries and the speaker, ALPA MA'AM PONDA, MEGHA MA'AM TRIVEDI and ARCHANA MA'AM GOHIL were present respecting their valuable time and our invitation.The program was started by the student giving bouquet to the guest.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

National Seminar

                        On 5th March 2023, a National Seminar on research  prospects in English studies organised by Department of English, maharaja KrishnaKumarSinghji Bhavnagar University.

                 At 8:45 ,I reached seminar's place. Then I confirmed my registration and after sometime took breakfast. And one more thing I am not alone there .I went there with my classmate, senior and junior. The seminar started with the university's song.


                 The seminar was conceptualized by Alpa Ponda Ma'am and Prukuti Bhatt ma'am.The entire seminar was also conducted by them. The head of English department, Dr.Barad sir framed the whole seminar through a short story. And the dignitaries, who were present there, were welcomed by the students by giving books.


              I noticed that in all the educational programs I have attended or participated in till date, dignitaries are welcomed by the principal and teachers of the school if it is a school and by the principal and professor of the college if it is a college. But the dignitaries who came to this seminar were welcomed by the students which can also be called a kind of change.

            There were three key notes speakers of these seminar. First one was Dr. Aviishek parui from department of Humanities and social science,Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India. He was not present the but he joined  online. His topic was about memory studies.

he also referred,

    - David laudge's book consciousness and the novel

    - Joseph Leduox and his book Anxious

               According to Leduox,

     - what you remember is last remember version of the event

      - Anxiety is price the human being has to pay for his ability to anticipate the future.



     Second keynot speaker was Dr. Balaji Rangnathan. Central University of Gandhinagar, Gujarat. His topic was about "The problem of post colonial studies with Chinese literature. "


  Third  keynote speaker was Dr. Atanu Bhattacharya. Professor/chairperson of centre for English studies, School of language, literature and culture studies,Central University of Gujarat.He topic was no "Research prospects in English studies: The Technology Turn." He referred grammar topic: active and passive.  He also referred many books:

     - Palestine- Joe Saccd 

     -  Persepolis

     - River of stories 

     - Of love and other Monsters 


  Around 12:30 to 1:30, we took lunch. Everything was were well organised by department of English. After lunch break, there were parallel session of presentations. P.G. students, research scholars, Assistant professors presented research paper.



 We had attended Vipul sir's presentation. His topic for presentation was "Arvind Adiga's Last main in Tower." As per my understanding it was about by quote Acadamia is dying. It was wonderful presentation by Sir.

                 After Sir's  presentation, we had attended another presentations. The topic of presentations were about Feminism , film studies, Hindu Muslim love marriage, casteism , eligility IQ etc. The session were conducted by Trushali Dodiya and her classmate. During this session chairperson was Dr. Sunita Nimavat. Her nature was very polite and calm. 


Our ma'am, Vaidehi ma'am also participated in poster making competition.Unfortunately we didn't attend her presentation.

                 At 4:30, there was validactory ceremony . A vote of thanks was.done by Dilip Barad sir who gave the prasentations and present there. Certificates were given to all presenter and attender. It was such a fruitful session for us. We learnt so many current topics which is going around us.

                And one very important thing is that some of the topics presented by the presenter in this seminar and some books mentioned by Dr. Atanu Bhattacharya were discussed during the class lectures. And we were aware of these topics little by little and credit goes to Vipul sir.

               Normally, if we attend any program, the program starts later than the given time and ends later or earlier than the given time. But I attended this seminar at the given time   program started and intermediate sessions started at the same time as scheduled and finished at the given time which is a learning point from department of English. 

               Special thanks to Vipul Sir and Vaidehi Madam who made us aware of this seminar. And due to which we got to know new information which is very important for us in future. Again thanks a lot both of you.




Puritan & Restoration Age

PURITAN AGE : The Puritan Age, spanning from the late 16th to the early 17th century, was a significant period in English history marked by ...